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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  September 30, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. i'm robin roberts. >> and i'm george stephanopoulos. it's thursday, september 30th. and this morning, that sprawling storm on the east coast brings high winds, flooding and tornado watches from north carolina to new york. some places already have seven inches of rain. sam is on the scene. and overnight, hollywood loses the one and only tony curtis. his career spanning six decades. who could forget his turn with marilyn monroe in "some like it hot." fisher price announces a massive recall of children's toys. 10 million in all, from little people to tricycles. we have the rundown for parents.
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and look at this. a so-called solar laser ray. torching a man's hair poolside. we'll show you how this could also be happening at your home. and good morning, everyone. so sad to wake up this morning to the news of tony curtis. >> what a career he had. >> remarkable. really dates back to 1949. and you just see him on screen like that. 140 films in all. he reportedly was even working on a new film at the age of 85. and we look back this morning. >> and he had a full life. look at the leading ladies he had. notally wood, marilyn monroe. a lot to go back on this morning. also this morning, the potential bombshell in the california governor's race. did republican meg whitman know that her own housekeeper was in
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the country illegally? the housekeeper came forward to make the charge. whitman denied it. we're going to hear from whitman, the billionaire who ran ebay, and attorney, gloria allred, who is representing the candidate's former maid. that's an exclusive here on "good morning america." in moments, we begin with wicked weather and rain soaking the east coast. tornado watches from new jersey to north carolina. that's where we find sam, in north carolina. you think when it's all said and done, you think this could be worse than hurricane earl. >> robin this, is a mess. right now, we're in carolina beach, north carolina. we're on lake park boulevard, which has ten inches of water on it. the rain all night has been tropical, just like this. we have 30-mile-per-hour, 40-mile-per-hour winds in this area. and this is where that moisture that was tropical system nicole came onshore. it is moving up the eastern seaboard. and from here to maine, if you haven't got your rain and wind
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yet, you're about to. look at this storm, all the way from the caribbean. the clouds there, well up the eastern seaboard. that's more than 2,000 miles of tropical moisture traveling the eastern seaboard. the radar will show you the heavier batches of rain in yellow that are forming inland. and there's a tornado watch that runs from here all the way into philly. that's more than 370 miles worth of tornado watch that lasts until 1:00 this afternoon. all day long, that rain will continue to move north into areas like raleigh, washington, philly, new york. and eventually on into boston. this storm will have more wind than any storm we've seen lately along the coastline. we expect there will be lots of power outages here. about 40-mile-per-hour to 60-mile-per-hour winds expected as this thing wraps up. here's what happened. it was a big tropical system. and it kind of fell apart out in the atlantic. it threw all its moisture and formed a low right over us last night. it's no longer a tropical system. it's just a big storm that's
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going to behave like a nor'easter and move inland all the way up the northeast. but it has plenty of rain with it. we're talking about a lot of communities coming in with flooding like this. this is right here, on my boots. robin, that's about a foot of rain we're standing in. many places from washington to new york, will see four to six inches of rain out of this storm. robin? >> it's such a mess. sam, we'll have more from you coming up. we have breaking news for parents. a massive recall of children's products, including millions of tricycles and highchairs, all made by fisher price. lisa stark is in bethesda, maryland, with details on this. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: robin, these are the recalled products. everything from a highchair to a small, toy car. they have serious safety flaws. parents should stop using them immediately. it's a major recall, involving four, different fisher price products. first, nearly 1 million highchairs. sold under the name healthy
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care, easy clean, and close to me. the danger is a bolt on the back leg for storing the chair's tray. the problem with the highchair i understand is the pegs. what's the problem there? >> these pegs stick out. and children have fallen on these pegs. several have been injured. seven required stitches. >> reporter: also a danger, some 7 million tricycles. hot wheels, boarby free spirit. boys tough trike, to name a few. the hazard is a key that protrudes from the frame. >> these tricycles have a key that sticks up. and girls have jumped on the key and had serious cuts. >> reporter: serious injuries? >> serious injuries. >> reporter: the fix, a new die that lays flat. nearly 1 million inflatable balls are also being recalled. these valves can come off. there's 14 incidents of children putting them in their mouths. at least three choked on them. finally, the wheels on the purple and green little people cars can detach, too. another choking hazard. there's a message in this for all manufacturers. >> manufacturers need to build
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safety into the products from the beginning, so we don't have to recall on the back end. >> reporter: in a statement this morning, fisher price said it wanted to reassure parents that its products are overwhelmingly safe. but if you have any of these products, you should call the company. they will offer a fix for some of them, for the trike and the highchair. others will be replaced outright. robin? >> lisa, thank you. you can find a complete list of the products at our website, we're going to turn to new charges rocking the california governor's race. meg whitman says the allegation that she hired an illegal immigrant to clean her house is a lie. but an attorney says she can prove whitman is lying. we'll hear from whitman and gloria allred. but first, here is david wright. >> politics is a tough business. >> reporter: meg whitman has spent $120 million of her own pocket, reaching out to california voters, with ads like this. >> we have got to hold employers
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accountable. >> is she willing to be held accountable? is she willing to deal with this issue? >> reporter: now, a former employee of whitman's reveals, she's an illegal immigrant. >> she treat me like i was not a human being. >> reporter: she worked as whitman's housekeeper and nanny for nine years. until whitman abruptly fired her after she started running for governor. >> she said, i cannot help you. and from now on, you don't know me. and i don't know you. >> reporter: the whitman campaign calls this a political smear, noting the candidate fired diaz, the minute she was informed diaz was in the country illegally. when she applied for the job, diaz had provided proof of social security and legal residency. but diaz's lawyer insists that whitman knew for years those documents were false. the political risk for whitman, is she comes off at heartless. or hypocritical. either way, not a good day for her campaign.
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for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, los angeles. and gloria allred is standing by live. first, meg whitman, i spoke with her just after the press conference yesterday. ms. whitman thank you for doing this. i know you deny the allegations from nicky diaz. she makes charges. you say when she started work for you in november of 2000, she provided a social security card. but she claims that starting in 2003, you and your husband received several letters from the social security administration saying there was a mismatch in the numbers. did you receive those letters? >> we never received those letters. and when we hired nicky, we used an employment agency. nicky provided her social security card, a california driver's license. she filled out a 1099 because we told the employment agency question have to hire only people that are documented to work here. so, we had no idea that she was not here legally. >> no idea at all? absolute, unequivocal denial?
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>> absolute, unequivocal denial. >> you also say in your statement, this is a shameful example, the press conference, by nicky diaz and gloria allred. do you think jerry brown is behind this? >> well, gloria allred's been associated with jerry brown since the early '80s. she's contributed to his campaign. she's a well-known democrat. and gloria does this just about every election cycle. i wouldn't be surprised if there was coordination here. last night, we had a great debate. i think i did very well. articulating a plan to get californians back to work. fixing our education system. and this morning, this is what the other side launches. >> so, you think jerry brown and gloria allred coordinated this work together to get the story out? >> you know, i don't know. but clearly, she's a democrat. she's contributed to his campaign. they've been, you know, working together for many years. but you know who i feel really badly for is nicky diaz.
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nicky was part of our extended family for nine years. we exchanged christmas presents. she was a part of our extended family. and it breaks my heart. i feel she is being manipulated. and i feel terribly for her. >> you say she was a friend of the family. her account of when she came to you in june of 2009, is pretty chilling. she says you basically cut her off. and said from now on, you don't know me and i don't know you. do you think there's anything you could have done to help her at that moment? even if she couldn't continue to work for you? >> so, it's a lie. i never said that. and neither did my husband. she came to our house on a saturday. sat with my husband and me. and said, i have to tell you something. i'm here illegally. i said, nicky, i'm so sorry. but, gosh, it's against the law. you can't continue to work for our family. and so, she didn't come back after that saturday. and i felt terribly for her. but the truth is, it's illegal to hire people who are not documented. and we couldn't do it.
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that's why we had to let her go. >> one, final question. you said nicky diaz served you, was basically part of your family for nine years. i assume she served you honestly. why do you think she is lying now because that is what she claims? >> i have no idea. someone got to her. she is being manipulated. i don't know the back story here. i feel terribly for nicky. she's in some real trouble here. and i'm very sorry for her. >> okay. ms. whitman, thanks for your time today. >> thank you, george. >> and for the response, gloria allred joins me now from los angeles. you heard meg whitman right there. someone got to nicky diaz. is that true? >> i think it's false. i think it's patronizing and condescending to think that a housekeeper would not want to have a voice and speak out about the way she was treated. she feels she was disrespected. >> but she didn't speak out for more than a year. this happened in june 2009. >> yes, it did happen in june 2009, that she was terminated in a very cold and cruel and brutal
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way by meg whitman, so that meg whitman could have political cover. what happened, george, was that nicky went to her. and asked her if she could help her to get legal because she felt that meg whitman knew she was undocumented. and she wanted to get legal. and she thought, at that time, since meg had told her that she was going to run for governor, that it would be a win-win for both of them. for meg and for nicky, if she could become legalized. >> let me stop you right there. nicky diaz believed that meg whitman knew she was illegal. but you heard meg whitman's denial. her campaign has produced the documents that diaz gave her back in 2000, showing that she was legal. attempting to show she was legal. so far, you haven't produced any documentary, to prove that ms. whitman knew she was illegal. do you have it? and if so, where is it?
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>> yes, george, we do. yesterday, i was quite specific. i told the press that there was a 2003 letter, that was sent by the social security administration, called a mismatch letter. indicating to the employer that there was a mismatch in the social security number. >> but you heard meg whitman, saying she didn't get that letter. do you have it? can you show it to us? >> she said that to you face-to-face? very directly. and today, at noon, in my office, we are going to produce that letter. i said yesterday, if she denied it, i would -- >> why not right now? our whole audience across the country just saw meg whitman say it was untrue. where's the letter? >> we're going to produce it today. and what this shows is total hypocrisy on her part, that she's denying that she received it. she knows that shows that that was a tipoff to her and her husband, that she was employing an undocumented worker. and in fact, nicky alleges that
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she received a number of letters, for a number of years. and that nicky found those letters in the trash. letters from the government. >> do you have those letters? >> meg whitman and her husband should have known. should have known that this was an undocumented worker, working for them. and that was only part of the evidence because nicky also told them that she couldn't travel outside of the country. so, she knew that she was hiring an undocumented worker when she employed her for nine years. and ultimately, when she terminated her, it wasn't because she was undocumented. it was because she was asking to be legalized. that would mean the fact she had hired and was continuing to hire an undocumented worker would become public. it would be politically embarrassing. so, therefore, she was sacrificed, severed and really was devastated. >> the timing of the press conference, the way you're drug dragging it out over several
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days, support the argument that this is a political smear. you heard meg whitman suggest that this has been coordinated with jerry brown's campaign. did you contact jerry brown or anyone in his campaign before this press conference yesterday? >> no one from jerry brown's campaign has contacted me. i haven't contacted them. as far as my client goes, nicky doesn't know anyone in politics, was not contacted by the brown campaign. she didn't contact them. the only person she knows in politics is meg whitman. and meg whitman is the one who has political motivation to lie. and she has an agenda to try to cover this up. >> okay. >> our evidence will show, she is lying. >> we'll wait to see. gloria allred, thanks very much. >> thank you. now, sharyn alfonsi's here. juju's taking a couple days off. >> good morning, george. good morning, robin. we have breaking news from overseas this morning. pakistan has closed a key supply route used by u.s. forces in
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afghanistan, apparently in response to an attack by coalition helicopters along the border. our nick schifrin is following this from kabul. nick, what happened? >> reporter: sharyn, pakistan is a hugely important ally, as you know, because many of the militants who attack in afghanistan live in pakistan. but the alliance is a little shakier this morning after this incident. it started about 5:30 in the morning. soldiers living in a very small base right along the pakistan/afghan border, saw what they thought was insurgents about to attack the base. they called in a helicopter. the helicopter attacked. and the pakistani government said you just killed three of our soldiers. the pakistanis are angry because they say this is the third time that u.s. helicopters have fired this week. and this is the biggest protest it's made, cutting off the supply line. 80% of everything you need to fight the war in afghanistan, comes over this supply line,
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sharyn. >> thanks, nick, this morning. we have chilling video released by government prosecutors. it shows the damage that could have been caused here in new york last may, if the times square bomber had successfully carried out his attack. prosecutors say faisal shahzad had planned a second attack. he'll be sentenced next week. and could face life in prison. and finally, the race for new york governor is getting ul uglier by the day. candidate karl paladino was told to show. the shouting match escalated. >> i'll take you out, buddy. >> you're going to take me out? >> yeah. >> how are you going to do that? >> watch. >> and things got so heated, a campaign manager had to step in and separate them. one more story in the newscast. astronomers say they found a planet out there that may be
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able to support life. it's 120 trillion miles away. but the important thing is, it's perfectly situated to its version of the sun. parts of the planet is said to have, quote/unquote, short-sleeve weather. so, pack your bags. >> road trip. >> sounds good. let's go back to north carolina and we find our sam champion. good morning, sam. >> good morning, robin. and residents here in carolina beach are getting up and walking up to talk to us. we have some local tv crews that have showed up, as well. and the reason is, all of this rain, 20 inches of rain in 3 days in this area. sometimes this area floods with rain. but it doesn't usually flood like this, almost to my knees. let's get to the boards. here's what's going on. this moisture kind of throws itself on the eastern seaboard and makes a run everywhere. so, from north carolina into maine, you're going to be dealing with heavy rain, gusty winds, strong to severe storms
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and the possibility of tornadoes today. keep your honor prelog ready because you will need them throughout the day. moderate rain is falling throughout the area headed toward the chesapeake bay where the heavy rain is great we can expect to-5 inches parade we have a tornado watch in effect until 1:00 this afternoon. we have a flash flood warning for the entire morning. the rain will come to an end
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for the entire morning. the rain will come to an end later wet, windy and stormy all the way up and down the east coast. we're live with the weather in carolina beach, north carolina. robin? >> all right, sam. thank you. hollywood has lost another legend. actor tony curtis died in his sleep overnight. his wife, by his side. a remarkable career on the big screen. yet, curtis once said, he only got his start because he was, quote, a good-looking kid. well, he was that and so much more. >> i'm trying all the time. >> reporter: he was one of hollywood's leading ladies' men. whose greatest star turn came playing one. tony curtis alongside jack lemmon and marilyn monroe, "some like it hot." curtis was a box office locomotive in the '50s and '60s. his turn in "the sweet smell of
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success," and oscar nomination for "the dint ones." >> you should have got what was coming to you. >> reporter: and "spartacus," with kirk douglas. tony curtis may be best remembered for his magic touch with hollywood's leading ladies. natalie wood, marilyn monroe, janet leigh, the first of six wives. curtis and lee had two children. one of them, actress jamie lee curtis. born bernard schwartz, curtis joined the marines in world war ii. he took the name tony curtis when he began his film year in 1929. >> from now on, nothing but the best for me. >> reporter: his career stalled later. battles with drugs and alcohol taking their told. curtis once said he didn't want to become an elder statesman. i want to end up with the girl all the time. and he usually did. yes, he did. 85 years old. we heard he was working on a new
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film. >> that's right. right up until the end. coming up, a tragic case of spying online. a gifted college student is secretly taped during a sexual encounter in his dormroom. the video is streamed online. and then, the boy committed suicide. we'll have that story ahead. . i like my breakfast sandwich with green peppers, onion, banana peppers and mustard. i like eggs with black forest ham on wheat. with everything. i like a little kick. that's a good call. i like mine with egg whites. and... a napkin. [ male announcer ] have you built your better breakfast? now's the time! try our better-for-you western egg white muffin melt or the dee-licious double bacon egg and cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast.
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on toasty flatbread. words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering--
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now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way.
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[ more bold flavor!onds! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> the time is 7:26 on this thursday, september 30. i am alison starling with a
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local news update. we begin by checking on the morning commute with lisa baden. we are getting inundated with rain. we have a lot of fender benders out there with deepwater collecting and an accident that happened hours ago just pulled out of the way. they straightened out a jackknifed tractor-trailer on the beltway. i want to show you one of the delays at of tyson's to get to bethesda. the tractor trailer is after 270 but before old georgetown road. they straightened it out and more traffic is getting let's go to university boulevard and dennis ave. there is a 395 accident near seminary road. steve rudin as a tornado watch, next.
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a tornado watch until 1:00 this afternoon. also, a flash flood warning for the morning hours. we have a window -- a when the advisory for the eastern counties. this is all the moisture pushing up from the south. it is combined with an area of low pressure and we have a lot of rain on the way. the heaviest rain is across the chesapeake bay and heads to the west. the rain will stick around for the entire day. we have a potential for 2-5 inches. tomorrow looks great and the weekend has lots of sunshine. will be back at 7:56. for continuous news coverage, tune in to tbd news on news channel 8.
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♪ good day sunshine visitors to a popular las vegas hotel have what you might call a glaring problem. the new energy-efficient windows are designed to reflect the sun. but they're turning the rays into laser-like beams right at poolside guests. it bounces off the windows at them. it's so strong, it can melt a plastic cup. look at that right there. this is a growing problem for many buildings across the country. and the question for so many of us, could this happen at your home? we're going to get into that this morning. good morning, america.
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i'm george stephanopoulos. >> and i'm robin roberts. also this morning, we're going to set the record straight, can we please, about mammograms. another study says women should get them in their 40s. this comes as some previous studies over the last months or so, have come to different conclusions. our dr. richard besser will be here with answers. please, let's try to do that. first, let's begin with an 18-year-old college student who police say killed himself after a sexual encounter he had was broadcast online by his roommate. tyler clementi was believed to have jumped from new york's george washington bridge last week. and now, two rutger university students face invasion of privacy charges for allegedly using a web cam to catch clementi having sex with another man. linsey davis is in new brunswick, new jersey, with the latest on this troubling story. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it happened last week, starting with a simple tweet. days later, a student here is
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dead. investigators believe there is a connection. tyler clementi and dhraun ravi had only known each other a few weeks. police say ravi started tweeting about him. on september 19th, this post on twitter. roommate asked for the room till midnight. i went into molly's room and turned on my web cam. i saw him making out with a dude, yay. authorities say ravi didn't just use the web cam to watch the male encounter with a classmate, he streamed the video live over the internet, for anyone to see. two days later, police say ravi tried it again. and wrote this message to anyone following him on twitter. anyone with ichat, i dare you to video chat me between the hours of 9:30 and 12:00. it's happening again. clementi's family said when they found out, the accomplished violinist, went to the george washington bridge and jumped to
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his death. gawker claims that the day of his death, he posted to his website. he wrote a letter to his dormroom about the incident. and this was clementi's final facebook entry. jumping off the g.w. bridge. sorry. the clementi family released this statement. tyler was a fine, young man. and a distinguished musician. the family is heartbroken beyond words. >> he was very to himself. he was a nice person, as far as i know. >> reporter: this facebook tribute to clementi attracted thousands in just a few hours. it was created in sympathy, which is why this post stuck out. what a nerd, followed by an expletive. a recent study found gay kids are four-times more likely than straight kids to commit suicide. and that nine out of ten gay kids have reported being harassed. this neighbor and friend of ravi's says he thinks it was all just a prank. >> he's really nice.
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very open-minded. i feel like if it had been a girl in the room, it wouldn't have been any different. >> reporter: ravi and wie have been released. but face up to five years in prison. neither of the teens have spoken out to defend themselves. last night, rutgers released this statement. our university community feel the pain of this loss. and we know there is anger and outrage about these events. robin? >> all right, linsey. thank you very much. for more, we're going to talk with rutgers vice president of student affairs, robert blingling. good morning. >> good morning, robin. >> i want to pick up on something that linsey davis reported about. tyler clementi went to his r.a., his resident adviser, about his roommate to report him. and he even went to, quote, two people above him. above the r.a. was the university aware of any of this? >> i can't actually comment on
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an ongoing investigation. i can say that when the university became aware of what had transpired, we reported what we knew to the rutgers university police department, who worked with the local prosecutors office, to start an investigation. beyond that, other kinds of information is still under investigation. and much of the information is protected by federal law. when it regards our students. and i have to keep it confidential. >> dr. blimling, does the university have anything in place right now to prevent this from happening? >> what the university has is a set of policies that prevents students or prohibits students from recording other students. this is a highly rare occurrence. in fact, in my 36 years as an administrator and in student affairs, i have never seen anything like this. it is unusual. we have policies that prohibit that. and all of our students are made aware of our code of conduct.
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>> and give us a sense of what it's like right now on campus since this horrible incident has happened. >> it's a great tragedy. anytime we lose the life of a student, it affects all of us. our students are close to each other. in the residence hall, the day we learned that tyler was missing, we sent grief counselors to the residence halls to meet with students that morning, and again in the evening. where we had 90 students from his floor that met together and talked about what was going on. tyler is also a very gifted musician. and he was very connected with the university orchestra. and we've been working with members of the orchestra to address that issue, as well. we're also very grieved with his family. his family has suffered a tragic loss. i don't think there's any greater loss than to lose a child. and the entire university community mourns with the family. >> and we are thinking of tyler's family and friends. sir, you are vice president of student affairs. you have worked with students
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closely for your entire career. >> i am. >> how upsetting is this to you that something like this has happened? >> students have been my whole life. they are the main reason that i do my job. they are the central purpose by which we function at the institution. every day of my life is devoted to trying to make their life better at this institution and help them grow and learn as young adults. so, whenever i see something like this happen and learn about the circumstances that were involved in this, it hurts me deeply. and it hurts everybody who works in our student affairs community, as well as every other member of rutgers community. >> and our condolences to tyler clemen clementi's family and friends in the rutgers community. dr. blimling, thank you very much. it's 7:37. let's get to the weather and sam champion in a rainy carolina beach, north carolina. good morning. >> good morning, robin. as the light gets brighter here,
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we have dark clouds and heavy rain and gusty winds. 40 miles per hour-plus in this area. what we're saying is all the way up and down the eastern seaboard, from north carolina to maine this, is what you can expect, in the next 24 or 30 hours. we start with a live shot out of washington, d.c. there's been rain in the area. we've heard of road closures in some parts of the city. and looking north, early this morning, from all of our live shots in the new york city area, we were picking up plenty of rain. rain will come in waves as the low gets closer and closer. it will get heavier and heavier. and there will be big winds. the thunderstorms connect with the jet stream over it, may become big windmakers today. strong to severe storms. that could include tornadoes. it will definitely include flooding and the gusty winds, in excess of 30 miles per hour, 40 miles per hour, we believe. flood watches are up through 14 states in this area, in anticipation of the heavy rain and flooding that will be up
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a wet, saudi thursday morning, the heaviest rain is across the bay but the entire area is covered with gray. look at the expected rain totals. sunshi and all that weather was brought to you by thermacare heat wraps. in las vegas, they're having problems with the sun. in one hotel, you need more that sunscreen to protect you. new energy-efficient windows are beaming the sun down on hotel guests. and the laser-like rays are so strong they can even melt plastic. elisabeth leamy has more on the problems popping up across the country. >> reporter: it's a freakish phenomenon. new energy-efficient windows, turning the sun's rays into laser-like beams.
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windows like this at the vdara hotel in las vegas, are designed to reflect sunlight to cut cooling costs. but we watched as the intense reflection melted this plastic cup. >> it's not like a little uncomfortable. it's impossible for you to sit there without being burned. >> reporter: guest william says the rays melted the letters off of his plastic shopping bag. and felt like they were melting him. >> i was there for 30 seconds. i started rubbing my head. and my hair felt like i had a chemical burn. >> reporter: the pool of the vdara sits at the base of the hotel. for about an hour and a half every day, the south-facing curve of the building captures the desert sunlight. concentrating its heat sometimes on guests. the owner mgm resort, says the convergence doesn't happen in any one place for very long. and it's working to produce greenery and umbrellas to create more shade. here at las vegas' airport, the
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official temperature is 94 degrees at lunchtime. and it's forecast to go up to 105. the exact kind of heat that can turn windows into weapons. it's not just big buildings. some homeowners complain that their neighbors' efficient double-pane windows can melt their vinyl siding. from boston. >> it's lifting off the house. it's curling up. it's just totally ruined. >> reporter: to minnesota. >> just built a home. there's melted siding. >> reporter: to north carolina. >> i can feel it burning the back of my hand. >> reporter: the vinyl siding institute points out the extraordinary reflective heat can damage all sorts of surfaces, not just siding. and the window and door association says it is studying the phenomenon. for "good morning america," elisabeth leamy, abc news. >> a lot to study there. coming up next, the fight against breast cancer. there's another big, new study on mammograms that seems to
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contradict the ones making headlines just months ago. dr. richard besser's here to set the record straight. try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief. hmm...what's going on with dad? he seems different. ♪ are you ready? he's not talking about work. ♪ i don't want to work he's not tucking in his shirt. ♪ everybody, now! he's not checking messages every 9 seconds. and now this? ♪ i don't want to play ♪ i just want to bang on the drum all day ♪ [ ship horn blows ]
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i went tohe dentist. he was poking around, he found the spots, and he said, "are those spots sensitive?" he recommended that i use sensodyne. i ticed it was working when i was drinking cold things and i wasn't ev thinking about it.
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back at 7:44. there are more questions this morning about the effectiveness of mammograms. yes, a new study out of sweden, said the screenings are valuable to women in their 40s. cutting the death rate from breast cancer by 26%. but these are different than other studies on mammograms making headlines in the last year. fortunately dr. richard besser is here to clear things up. you were just here last week, talking about all of the studies coming out. but this really dates back about a year now. >> if you're not totally confused, you haven't been paying attention. last fall, a government committee changed their recommendations on mammography. instead of at age 40, start in their 50 pz and women in their 40s should talk to their doctors. there was a major uproar about that. congress passed a law, it was signed, that required insurance
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companies to pay for mammograms for women in their 40s, because of how upset people were over this. that's when the issue started. last week, we were talking about a study out of norway, who said there wasn't a lot of value for mammograms. this week, from sweden, major impact from mammograms. >> what's the impact of the study from sweden? >> it's the largest epidemic study. those that started mammography for women in their 40s, 26% reduction in cancer deaths. what they found was, if you screened 1,200 women over a 10-year period, you would save 1 life. 1,200, that's not that many women to do mammography on to save a life. >> how is the medical community receiving this study? >> we talk to doctors around the country. and doctors are pretty much ignoring this whole debate. 30 doctors responded. these were cancer leaders,
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leaders in primary care medicine. and they said 27 out of the 30 are recommending routine mammograms for all women in their 40s. they're saying, we see benefit in that. we're doing it for all of our patients. >> as you said, and we did a lot of reporting on this when the board came with the recommendations and people were saying, you've got to be kidding me. have you talked to the board about the new study? has it changed their mind at all? >> i called the woman who ron the board last year. and i called the doctor in charge of it this year. frankly, they're not convinced. they see the data as one more study they want to consider. they have the opportunity to call the committee together anytime to reconsider. but routinely, they only do that every five years. this isn't enough to sway them. my feeling is, if you're having that conversation, your question should be, why not get a mammogram? >> exactly. >> rather than should i get it? why not? what's the problem here? >> people say, because you might
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get the false positive. >> you may get the false positive. >> you can live with that. >> it's a rare woman i found that is more concerned about the false positive than the piece of mind knowing they don't have breast cancer. >> all right, rich. thanks. coming up, jenny mccarthy has a new book, a kiss and tell, all about love and relationships. she's going to join us live with what she's learned. via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open, we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better!
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lorena bobbitt. how her life has changed. and if you think prenaps are just for the rich and famous, think again. a growing number of couples are getting them. mellody hobson is going to be here to tell us how they can work for you. i don't have one. >> you don't? >> no. >> way to go, ali. when i brush, i like to do a really mediocre job. i love running my tongue across my teeth and feeling all the stuff i missed. [ male announcer ] no one really wants plaque left on their teeth. done. [ male announcer ] but ordinary manual brushes can leave up to 50% of plaque behind. oral-b power brushes are inspired by the tools professionals use, to clean away plaque in ways a manual brush can't. for that dentist-smooth, clean feeling every day. fight plaque with real power. oral-b power. get 50% off oral-b power brushes for a limited time. visit for details.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> it is 7:56 on this thursday morning, september 30. time for a local news update. we checked in with lisa baden. i understand there is breaking news of two metro buses collided? >> this is on the university boulevard close to dennis ave. they keep shutting down a portion of university boulevard. that will require a lot of
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documentation. there is no word about injuries. let's go live to our picture of university boulevard between colesville road and dennis avenue parade it looks like the eastbound side which is shut down. that is a huge problem. we had a jackknifed truck accident moved to the shoulder on the inner loop between 270 and georgetown road. i will take you to virginia with substantial delays this morning. the main and hov lanes are bad. we have a lot of rain to deal with in the morning and the afternoon. we have a tornado watch until 1:00 this afternoon and a flash flood warning this morning and a wind advisory for calvert, anne arundel, and st. mary's county until 8:00 this evening. the doppler radar says the heaviest rain is across the bay and the rest of the area has moderate rain, 2-5 inches are
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expected and daytime highs will only be in the 70's. tonight it will clear after midnight and temperatures fall to 60 and a change for the day tomorrow, 76 degrees with lots of sunshine. that is the reward, thank you. we'll be back with another update at 8:27. for continuous news coverage, tune in to tbd news on news channel 8.
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hot stuff i need some hot stuff ♪ ♪ baby tonight ♪ i want some hot stuff hot stuff is going on this morning. >> sure is. >> jenny mccarthy's here to talk about her new book. love and relationship. and look like she's found something else hot off the presses. let's pull out a little bit, jenny. oh, come on. >> oh. >> what possibly could top that? that cland center how about the real deal? joining us live, right here in our studio.
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it's all for a good cause. we'll tell you about that in our next half hour. high production value. >> absolutely. also, we're going to catch up with lorena bobbitt. that's one of the sentences you don't think will come out of your mouth. you remember her. 18 years ago, made headlines for what she did to her husband while he was sleeping. allegations he abused her. but now, she has a new life and a new love. we'll catch up with her. also, we'll look at what may be a growing trend. jenny, behave. over there, just mugging for the camera and the guys. we're going to have something, a growing trend for married couples. a prenuptial agreement. you think it's because you're rich and wealthy and all that. no. >> half of couples say they're going to look into it. we have mellody hobson here to talk about that. check this out, the superstar chef is spinning a sculpture out of sugar.
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also, we're going to talk about the pastry olympics. and he's going to make something with apples. we'll have that our last half hour. first, sharyn alfonsi's in for juju chang at the newsdesk. >> good morning, robin and george. we're going to begin with news that parents need to hear this morning. there's a massive recall affecting 10 million products made by fisher price. 1 million highchairs made under easy care, close to me. they have pegs that stick out and can cut a child. also recalled, 7 million tricycles that have a fake key sticking out. and nearly 3 million inflatable balls are being pulled off the shelves. they're valves can come off and cause choking. logon to for complete details on the recall. and investigators are trying to figure out what caused this sightseeing bus to plummet 45 feet off a highway ramp in maryland, killing the driver. several other people, including many children, were injured.
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but all are expected to survive. and overseas, new tensions this morning between the u.s. and our key alley, pakistan. the pakistanis have closed off a vital supply route for troops in afghanist afghanistan. apparently retaliation for a nato air strike that mistakenly killed three pakistani troops. and for the first time, researchers have uncovered evidence that adhd may be in the genes. a british study found that children are twice as likely to have missing or extra chromosomes than those without the disorder. experts say it's too early to know how the study will affect diagnosis or treatment. and the washington state woman who splashed acid in her face has pleaded not guilty to theft charges. she appeared in court tuesday, charged with taking advantage of the generous people who were trying to help her. mike von fremd has more.
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>> reporter: it's been a month since bethany storro allegedly splashed acid on her face. as she made her way past tv cameras, it's obvious that recovery will take some time. in a 90-minute interview with investigators, bethany confessed to the fact that she had fabricated the incident on the acid attack. the community donated $20 million to help pay for medical bills. investigators say she spent $1,500 of that on clothes and dinner for her parents. she is charged with second-degree theft. >> yes, sir. >> reporter: the troubled 28-year-old was released back to a medical facility, where she is receiving professional care. her parents say they intend to pay back all of the money. and prosecutors say they will take all that into account. >> certainly open to reasonable resolution of this case, just like any other case. >> reporter: there are very
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mixed feelings here about what kind of punishment bethany deserves. for "good morning america," mike von fremd, abc news, vancouver, washington. now, a look at what's coming up tonight on "world news." here's diane sawyer. >> and a good morning to you, sharyn. and as you know, because you've gone back home, too, we are taking you back to our hometowns on "world news." and if everybody out there is tired of american jobs going overseas, watch tonight. a town where there's a citizen army to keep american jobs right here. that's tonight on "world news." >> can't wait to see it. we're going to go on to the weather and a soaking sam champion in north carolina. >> hey, good morning, sharyn. yeah. we've got a little bit of good news for this area. one of the heavier rain bands has just passed over us. skies have brightened. rain is a little bit lighter here. but that's not a good sign for what happens north and particularly all the way up to maine, really. call it every place north.
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not just north and east. not just north and west. everybody, north of here. let's get to the boards and show you what's going on. the problem is going to be severe weather. all this moisture is going to be traveling along a cold front that's along the coastline. and it's going to get heavy rain and gusty winds all day long today and points north. where the storms will break out will be the heaviest rain. when you get the storms, there will be big bursts of wind. there will be power outages. we're talking excess in four inches in some locations. there's a general coverage where people get two inches of rain. but in some place where's the storms develop, you'll get four, five, six inches of rain in the total. and the winds will exceed 40 miles per hour in gust a lot of rain continues to fall across the area and we could see 2-5 inches. fairfax county into loudoun county, moderate rain and heavy
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rains across the chesapeake bay. we have a tornado watch in effect until 1:00 this afternoon and a wind advisory for this afternoon which includes calvert, a st. mary's, and anne arundel counties. wind gusts could reach 50 miles per hour we'll have more weather in the next half hour. also going to talk a little bit about minneapolis flooding in the next half hour. george? >> thank you, sam. today, we ge win a new series called "so there you are," where we catch up with people who had their 15 minutes of fame years ago and what they're doing now. we begin with a bang. lorena bobbitt. just the mention of her name made men a little bit nervous everywhere. just the mention of her name makes me nervous. >> i didn't know how you're going to do this. >> does not make you nervous, ashleigh banfield. >> not in the least.
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this was a turning point, george. we had to learn how to say the "p" word for the first time. >> i went around it. >> you did, didn't you? i'm very impressed. this was the moment we had to come to grips with it because it was just that thing that happened. i wanted to catch up with lorena bobbitt. so, i tracked her down in virginia to talk about what happened after all those cameras went away. it was the headline felt around the world. >> the woman who cut off her husband's penis. >> lorena bobbitt. >> attracted international attention. >> last thing i remember, i woke up. she just cut it off. >> i don't know why. he hurt me. >> reporter: 24-year-old lorena bobbitt said she had been sexually assaulted by her husband one too many times. so, she struck back with a kitchen knife, while her husband slept. >> years of violence and abuse, that she was unable to overcome
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her impulse to defend herself. >> reporter: while lorena was charged with malicious wounding, he was charged with marital sexual abuse. the trial transfixed america. joke about the bobbitts became a national pastime. and while both were found not guilty, lorena was evaluated and 45 days in a psychiatric institution. eventually, the frenzy died down. that was lorena then. and this is lorena now, 17 years later. a shy and petite 41-year-old mother, using her maiden name, lorena gallo. does it feel like a lifetime ago? >> it does. it does feel like that, yes. but that's all in the past. >> reporter: when you decided to date again, how did that go? how did men react to you? >> i never experienced having any man being afraid of me. you know, they're curious. >> reporter: shortly after her divorce from john, she met a new man. dave bellinger, in a college class. what was his reaction when he
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first found out that you were lorena bobbitt? >> i think he knew it from the very beginning. >> reporter: he wasn't worried? >> he was not worried. it was very flattered for me. this guy knows who i am. maybe he's not afraid of me. >> reporter: the two have dated 13 years and have a 5-year-old daughter, olivia. lorena works as a part time hairdresser and real estate agent. but her true passion is counseling domestic violence victims through her organization. do any of the women say i want to do exactly what you did. >> yes. i have a lot of women who say that. not only one woman has said that to me. >> reporter: what do you tell them? >> i say, it's no good. obviously, look at me. i have to go through a lot of the pain. >> reporter: she says she has little memory of what happened that fateful night. >> i wasn't thinking. i wasn't, you know, even anything. it wasn't planned. i went into this -- all of a
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sudden, it was, i found myself at the police station. >> reporter: did you ever want to kill him? >> oh, that never -- >> reporter: crossed your mind? >> never. >> reporter: never once? >> never crossed my mind. >> reporter: do you think you might have been capable? >> oh, gosh. i don't know. >> reporter: surprisingly, she says she still hears from john bobbitt, who has gone on to star in porn movies, run a brothel, and has faced convictions on several domestic violence and theft charges. he frequently text messageser. he text messaged you the other day? >> yes. >> reporter: what does it say? >> you want to read it? >> reporter: yeah. what did it say? >> how have you been doing? this is your number one friend and admirer. i was such an idiot back then. yes, i was a bad husband. >> reporter: despite the painful way the relationship ended, lorena says she's relieved john made a full recovery after his 9 1/2-hour surgery. do you forgive him? >> yes, i forgive him. >> reporter: but you haven't
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forgotten. >> i haven't forgotten. >> reporter: as for the name, lorena bobbitt, the subject of so many tasteless jokes for the last decade and a half, she said it did hurt for years. you can laugh about it now? >> yes. >> reporter: did it take a long time before you could laugh? >> it did. it took a long time before i came to this point. >> reporter: do you think of yourself as lorena bobbitt? >> i don't. i was not born with that last name. i married to a man who had the last name. so, i was born lorena gallo. and i'm not lorena bobbitt. it's just like another person to me. >> reporter: by the way, lorena told me she received thousands of letters from men and women supporting her. she said she read every, single one of them. she is also said she went through years of therapy after that incident. she feels like a brand-new person. i should tell you, george, she is a member of the pto. and she also -- i know.
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lorena in the pto. she also takes her daughter to ballet and soccer. and really has a normal life. >> a terrific life. ashleigh, thanks for bringing us there. >> sure. >> and when lorena bobbitt first made headlines, she sat down for two interviews. you can watch them at tomorrow, we're going to catch up with susan pour, who rose to fame with her catch phase, "stop the insanity." coming up next, jenny mccarthy joins us live. we were gonna sneak up on ya. ya know, with our 1.4 liter turbo charged engine and our six speed automatic transmission. shhhh... we're going hunting. it's civic season. ♪ the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. ♪ sometimes i would get rewards, sometimes i wouldn't. this one card i had -- there were all these rules.
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rules and restrictions. oh, and limits. [ scoffs ] forget about it. but i love this card. bankamericard cash rewards credit card. 1% cash back on everything i buy. period. no limit to the amount of cash back i can get. no hoops to jump through. simple. [ male announcer ] the refreshingly simple bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo. i love my grandma. i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy.
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♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do
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♪ and i do gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, "story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you!
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i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time #like beggin' time! share the fun at actress jenny mccarthy is here this morning, with a brand-new book. it is called "love, lust and faking it." it's about love and relationships. look at the cover. so good to have you back with us. >> thank you. >> it kind of catches your attention. and didn't older people think -- >> oh, you have the new iphone on the cover. and i heard the older generation
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go, why do you have a remote control in your hand? >> that gets your attention. >> it does. >> all right, now. >> yes? >> all right. it's quite funny. much of it i can't discuss on morning television. >> it's a little bit dirty. >> a little bit. >> a little naughty. it's called "love and lust." >> but faking it is not what comes to mind. >> right. the faking it part, i'm talking about how women enter relationships as the pretend self. >> yeah. >> what most people talk about their honeymoon period. i try to teach women to jump in and, you know, be in your truth already. don't fake to his dumb jokes. don't tell him how much you love football when you really hate it. and you can cut down two years of that phase and get right to the meat and bones of it all. this is who i am. this is the authentic self. >> own it. that's what i like to say. >> that's right. >> when you started writing this
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my friend, when the breakup with jim carrey. i remember all of the pictures of you. and he had on your bathing suit one time. this shot right here that cracked everybody up. >> go figure that i would start writing it, while i'm going through a breakup. it was really difficult. but it was also, i think, poignant because i think when you're going through some type of a cross road or a painful time. it was a grieving time, no matter whose decision it was to break up, there are a lot of emotions that came up. and when you do go through something like that, you are able to teach people that don't have to go through the hell of what i've gone through. just health of relationships. >> what did you learn? >> the lessons i learned were a few things. when you go into a relationship, this goes for married women also. anyou look at your partner, externally, to fulfill your needs, to give you your happiness, to heal your
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insecurities, you're going to lose the lesson in your life. the lesson is, we're in charge of our own happiness. we're in charge of our own love. i came out of this realizing i am the love of my life. that's where it should start. >> there was a great line in a movie one time. and it should say you should be the leading lady in your own life story. >> that's right. >> you know? >> the same analogy at the airport, where it says put the mask on yourself and then your kid. we think, no way. it really is true. you can't come into a relationship half. you have to come in already whole. that's what i'm really trying to do. and i'm still working on self-love. and you can read in my stories. there's disaster sex stories and disaster moments in love. but i really do feel like, you know, i have some great lessons to maybe inspire women, who are married and single. >> tell the story that you -- tell them the story in your book about the guy -- i think you called him the teletubby guy?
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>> this is interesting, in terms of the psychology behind it. >> right. >> i dated this guy for just a couple weeks. i called the teletubby. and i dated the teletubby. and he was a very chubby, hairy man. and i decided to date him. and i was talking to myself, this guy will make a great husband. this guy will make a great father. and my thinking was, because he's so chubby and hairy, he's going to think i'm the bomb. he's going to stick around and not cheat on me and be a good husband. that was really my thinking. not outwardly. but now examining it. he turned out to be a real jerk. and what i realized is i can love chubby and hairy. i have no problem with that. but i need someone who reflects me, who is happy and loves themselves. >> and you love your son, evan. >> evan is awesome. >> how is he doing? >> i feel like he's growing up with "gma." >> i know. >> he's great. he's into having multiple girlfriends and is only 8 years old. why can't i have two
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girlfriends? because they'll get mad at each other. not my girlfriends. they're friends and they don't mind. he's into horses and hugs. he's going to be hugh hefner or a gynecologist. he loves the ladies. >> where does he get that from? >> i don't know. hmm. everybody goes, gee, jenny, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. hopefully i can teach my lessons to evan. >> your parents divorced. and you saw how your mother -- >> my mom and dad hung in there for the kids. for 21 years, we had a great, stable environment. then, they broke up. and it was devastating. and i realized, wow. my mom her high school sweetheart, she reunited with. you can't stay in for the kids. you have to, you know, move on if you don't think you're setting a good example. and she did. and now, i'm doing that, too. >> so, are you dating again? >> i am.
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i am. i'm having a good, old time. >> your body language there. >> i am. i'm very -- i'm just, you know, taking everything slow and light. and really doing a lot of work on self-love. i know it sounds so abstract. and i have a chapter in there that's phenomenal by byron kady. but, it's true. i've been working on that. and giving good things to myself. and making sure i'm not looking for external people for my happiness. >> that's good to hear. you look fantastic. >> thank you. >> you're in a great place. i won't tell you that you were hanging around firefighters downstairs. that's between us. >> you know? >> you know. you never know. >> mr. february. >> thanks, jenny. you can check out jenny mccarthy's book. "love, lust and faking it," at we'll be back. you've never tried. you taste foods ♪ i want to bang on the drum all day ♪ you swim with animals you've only seen in aquariums.
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and somewhere out on the high seas, you get your first water wedgie. ♪ i don't want to play ♪ i just want to bang on the drum all day ♪ [ ship horn blows ]
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best deal this side of sunrise, so come in and we'll make yours! get a western egg white muffin melt and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. just $2.50. build your better breakfast today at subway!
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♪ but i really love my bank ♪ i hate-- didn't quite catch that last bit. i said i really love my bank. right... is there a problem ? it's not really raging, man. uh, we were hoping for more raging ? well, you said write from the heart. yeah... don't do that. at ally, you'll love our online savings account. named the best of 2010 by money magazine. ally. do you love your bank ? 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] the quarter-mile, or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving? to us, performance is not about doing one thing well.
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it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning to you. i am pamela brown at 8:27 and time for a look at traffic and weather. what is happening on vre? up to two hours late. up to 40 minutes late on the fredericksburg train. that is because of potential flooding. the rain is affecting mass transit. let me take you to live pictures of you can see what to expect when you hit the road. look at the beltway traffic leaving andrews air force base to get up to fedex appeal.
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-- fedex fields. we will go out of tyson sent to bethesda and this was a jackknifed tractor-trailer which was straightened out and moved to the shoulder. in virginia, there is a 25-mile backup from dumfries all the way to the 14th street bridge. it is a busy thursday morning with a ton of grain across the entire area. we are looking a moderate showers in the immediate area. we can expect 2-5 inches by the time the system moves out of here. the atmosphere is becoming unstable because we have a tornado watch until 1:00 this afternoon and flash flood
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warning until 10:45 this morning and went advisory for calvert, st. mary's, and anne arundel counties until 6:00 this evening. we have better news over the next day or so, rain will be heavy at times this afternoon, 72-78, and showers come to an end tomorrow and we will have sunshine. end tomorrow and we will have sunshine.
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♪ hot, hot, hot, hot stuff ♪ ♪ hot, hot, hot yes. things are getting hot in here. these firefighters are not only new york's bravest. they're starring in a new calendar. they're going to tell us why in just a moment. this is the way to get -- >> firefighters on tour. never had a bigger letdown when i walked in the studio. and the door walked out, three minutes ago, nothing. and somehow -- thanks for coming in, guys. >> thank you. good morning, everyone. i'm george stephanopoulos, here with robin.
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also this morning, we're going to talk about prenuptial agreements. they're getting more and more popular. not just for the rich and famous. how do you know if you need one? mellody hobson will be here with answers. one of the stars of "the social network" is here. jesse eisenberg plays the founder of facebook. the movie is opening tomorrow. and jesse's going to join us live and tell us about it. >> buzz about that movie. all this morning, we've been watching a real work of art come together. chef jacquy pfeiffer is over there. he's spinning a sculpture. you can see his work. we're going to talk to him about that. and some of his creations, coming up. first, some of new york city's firefighters are here to tell us about their hot, new calendar. let's meet them. excuse me, george. nice to see you again. please, gentlemen, introduce yourselves. >> how are you going? anthony. mr. january. >> good morning. sebastian, february.
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>> felipe, mr. march. >> peter franchitti, mr. chill. >> randall, mr. may. >> michael, mr. june. >> terence, mr. july. >> burt, mr. august. >> michael, mr. september. >> george, mr. october. >> wesley, mr. november. unfortunately, mr. december couldn't make it. he got stuck at work. >> working. but sometimes, gentlemen, a year is just not enough. it's just not enough. thank you. mr. february. you're from brooklyn, right? >> yes, i am. >> tell me about this calendar. >> this calendar supports the thomas r. sasser fund, who donated money to nonline of duty deaths of active firefighters. >> if they're killed, not in the line of duty, and their families are in a desperate way, as they would be, this will help those families. >> yes, it will. if you're working on your roof, and you happen to fall off your
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roof, god forbid, your family still has funding. >> lord knows what you all do for us. we appreciate it, one and all. so, how do you get this gig to be on the calendar? how does that work? >> aside from being unapologetically handsome -- [ cheers and applause ] >> don't apologize. >> of course. >> besides that? >> besides that? we have an event, where we all file in. it's kind of like a silent auction. we're given a number. at the end of the event, we have silent voters. and the captain has the final say-so. >> you get teased by the fellow firefighters? >> oh, of course. i was deemed at overweight, due
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to the body/mass index scale. >> bmi. >> there you go. >> you're good. you could have a career in this. we're glad. and glad and so delighted that you do what you do. don't put the camera on me. as i say thank you to them all, let's see them again. for more about the calendar, including where you can buy one, you can go to our website, and if you happen to be in the city, the guys have a calendar signing at borders in penn plaza tomorrow night. just saying. >> just saying. >> just saying, mr. february. oh, sam? >> robin -- it's the best line with the best comic timing ever. sometimes, robin roberts says, gentlemen, a year is not enough. i love it.
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let's talk about what's going on with this storm that's going to affect the entire eastern seaboard. first, we have to talk about what's going on in the middle of the country. in minneapolis-st. paul area, there's going to be big flooding over this weekend. there's 18 gauges that are up to moderate to major flooding. and we think that is the september crest will be the highest ever in st. paul this weekend. it will be about the eighth-highest crest they've seen. but the highest september crest ever. this is going to be some flooding, big flooding in that area. and on the eastern seaboard, too, as the system moves up, carrying tropical mo live doppler radar shows have the re moving into the harbor, old town alexandria and will make its way into the district. the high temperature today will only be in the 70's and
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and we're live in carolina beach, north carolina. that weather was brought to you by mercedes-benz. george? >> thank you, sam. a new survey shows that more and more couples are visiting a lawyer before they walk down the aisle, so they can hammer out a prenup, the agreement to divide assets if the marriage doesn't work out. and it's not just the wealthy anymore. middle-class couples are making them, too. in today's edition of "america's money," mellody hobson works out how to negotiate how to make a fair deal. i was surprised by the numbers. why do you think prenups are on the rise? and who should consider them? >> i think there's a few reasons. first, the financial crisis. money is on the brain for lots of people out there. yet, the divorce rate, half of all marriages ending in divorce. you have the fact there's more women than ever before in the workforce. and they want to protect their assets.
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we have these blended families that add another wrinkle. and we're all getting married later. this isn't a situation where you're 18 years old, entering a marriage with nothing. so, the thing right now is, this is not just for rich people at all. 44% of single people, 49% of divorced people, think a prenup is a good idea. and i agree with them. >> you agree with them. you think it makes sense for a lot of people. i can only imagine the conversations. it's such a sensitive subject. how do you bring it up? >> you must start off by understanding something that's very important. from a legal perspective, a marriage is actually a contract. yes, we have that beautiful walk down the aisle and the religion that is a part of it. but at the end of the day, it is a contract. a prenuptial agreement is putting finer points on that contract that you're about to enter into. the best way to bring it up is to start talking about it early. right after you get engaged. this is not one of the things you want to do as you're about to walk down the aisle.
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there's the time and place. this is not something i suggest you do in a crowded restaurant or in bed or after a few drinks. you want to do it really, sitting at a kitchen table and have a serious conversation about it. >> okay. well, that is very good advice. let's y you have the conversation. both agree that it's a good idea. what's next? >> so, you need to start sorting out your life. that means taking stock of your assets, your debt. you need to contact a family attorney. this is not one of those situations where you sit down and draw something up between the two of you and have it notarized. it will not stand up in court. a family attorney is going to cost you money. probably about $1,500. there's another option that's cheaper. if you have a relatively simple financial life that you need to sort out, and that's going online., has a real lawyer who will help you. they charge about $6.95 for that service. >> what should the prenup cover? and is there anything it won't
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cover? >> it should cover any kind of assets that you have that you bring into the marriage, before you get married. retirement accounts. let's say you've been putting money in a 401(k) plan. you want to spell that out. property you have. your parents left your a house with your siblings. that could get messy. also, debt. this is really important. any debt you're bringing into the marriage. any debt your future spouse is bringing into the marriage. and then, think about nontraditional things. pets. you would not believe the messy divorces that occur over a beloved pet. and any sentimental items that don't have monetary value. that should be in there, as well. >> finally, postnups. >> you have gotten married. you didn't have a prenup. you can still have a postnup. if anybody sells you marriage insurance, i want to put that out there, as well. bad idea. i don't recommend that. understand, in all of these situations, you can't have
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things covered like custody arrangements or visitation for children. that's very important that won't be in those documents. you can spell out how children will be educated or what religion you expect them to follow. >> mellody hobson, thanks very follow. >> mellody hobson, thanks very much. four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. for good reason. first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do.
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he may not have his own facebook page, but jesse
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eisenberg is starring as the founder of the phenomenon in a movie coming out tomorrow. it's called "social network." and critics are buzzing about this film. so happy to have jesse with us this morning. so nice to meet you. >> likewise. thanks a lot. >> this is a film getting a lot of buzz. we want people to see it right away, a clip of it. your character, you talk about one of the earlier websites or something you came up with, before facebook. here it is. "the social network." >> people can send messages, right? >> yeah. >> you can go anywhere on the internet and see pictures of hot girls. it's because they saw pictures of girls that they knew. people want to go on the internet and check out their friends. why not build a website that offers their friends pictures, profiles. visit, somebody you met at a party. i'm not talking about a dating site. i'm taking about the entire
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social experience of college and putting it online. >> i can't feel my legs. >> i know. i'm totally psyched about this, too. >> your character, mark zuckerberg, is something else. you don't have to be on facebook to know what facebook is, to really enjoy this film. >> i had never seen facebook when i read the script of the movie. i thought it was fantastic. it's really about the characters and the themes that are really timeless. >> compelling. it really is. it is timeless. and mark zuckerberg, who is the founder. that's the character you play. >> right. >> doesn't come across sometimes in the film as being that sympathetic. >> really? >> no. not -- >> i know. >> exactly. >> the movie kind of covers this debate over the creation of it. and kind of who deserves credit for it. who deserves financial rewards from it. and you know, the character does things that are hurtful to other characters. as the actor playing him, i see him as dependable.
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>> do you think misunderstood? >> i think he is inspired to create facebook because he feels misunderstood in college. and he wants to feel understood. >> and all goes back to a girl. it always does. we'll let people to see the film. >> yeah. >> you're not on facebook. justin timberlake, none of you guys are on facebook. >> we're in the movie. >> that's your facebook. >> we're -- maybe justin more so than me and andrew. we're in public settings and doing things. we don't want to go home and write what we did that day after we did it on tv. >> your cousin works at facebook. >> that's right. >> how did that come into play? >> a month before we finished shooting, my first cousin, eric, got a great job and works with mark that i play in the movie on a weekly basis. >> and he has funded $100 million to the new jersey school
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system. you live in queens. but you grew up in new jersey. what did you think when you heard about that? >> it's so wonderful. he's joining a line of philanthropic, wealthy americans. he's doing it at 26. that's really remarkable. >> to be worth a billion, it does. almost $7 billion at that age. but he is still philanthropic. you've been doing this for a while. 8 years old, acting? >> did children's theater when i was 8 years old. not dissimilar to mark in the movie. i didn't fit in at school. and theater was a way to have something else to do. >> and now, to be a part of a movie that's really getting a lot of oscar buzz. are you grounded? >> it's overwhelming. it really is. whenever you work on something, you think it's the greatest thing in the world. it comes out. and you realize it's not. and with this, the reaction has been really consistent with how we all felt about it.
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that's really nice. >> what are you working on next? >> i'm promoting this movie for the next -- what seems like a year of my life. and it's been nice. and i finished the movie two weeks ago in michigan that will come out next year. >> what type of movie? >> action/comedy. that section of blockbuster. it's really funny. >> as are you. you have quite a wit. mentally talented and bright future. thank you, jesse. "social network" opens on friday. it happens on friday. coming up, the chef making it happens on friday. coming up, the chef making pastry and art
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my dad is the supervisor of a train station and my mom's a teacher. my dad's an auto technician. my mom's a receptionist. i'm not sure i would have been able to afford college without the tuition freeze. while tuition in other states is rising out of reach... governor o'malley made the tough choice to freeze tuition.
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he made my dream of going to college into a reality. i'm the first in my family to go to college. my brother and i never would have been able to afford college. even though times were tough... governor o'malley kept his promise. there's never a doubt... there's never a doubt whose side he's on. martin o'malley... moving maryland forward. for four years i sacrificed pretty much everything. not everything-everything. but everything. it is going to be my moment. and it's up to me to grab it. >> that is jacquy pfeiffer, one of the stars of "kings of pastry," a brand-new movie, that
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turns pastries into art. i cannot believe this. everything here is made of sugar. you can eat everything. >> except for the base. >> you've been working on it all morning. how long did that really take you? >> it took about a week to make in chicago. and we had to transport it in the airport, as a carry-on. >> that's your life in your hand. >> that's my life. >> you guys love competition. we met, you did "the war room" about the clinton campaign. but these seem higher stakes, the pastry olympics. >> didn't have anything like this. >> the president. it was incredible. he is a master chef. this competition was amazing. they get the award from president sarkozy. it's a big deal. >> we're not going to reveal the winner. there's president sarkozy right now. i was intrigued by what you
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said, jacquy. the preparation is how long? >> it's three years long. you have to sit down with your family and say, forget about me for three years. i still love you. but i have to do this. >> and it's just a prize? >> it's just a prize. there's no money to be made. it's about dough -- no dough to be made. >> honor. let's talk about what you're going to make here today. this is a great recipe. >> i'm going to make a quick dessert. it's an apple that we cook with a little bit of caramel that we make here. and the caramel, once it's nice and golden brown, we're going to glaze it with a little cider, a little apple juice. we're going to put a stick of vanilla. a little salt. salt brings the caramel flavor out. and kind of gets rid of the sweetness. >> how long does that take? >> this takes about two minutes to caramelize. and we'll put it in there.
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and we'll make a sauce that is going to end up looking like this. it's a cooking juice that you can use, then, to cook any type of food. we're going to make an apple today. this apple was cooked -- >> i love that container. >> thank you. it's french. >> of course. >> so, here comes the caramel. that's a little cooking juice. >> oh. >> that's how i lost my hair. it's a long story. >> you pour that over the apple. >> yeah. and a little apple juice. fresh apple juice. and then, vanilla, a little salt. and let it just -- you bring it to a boil.
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and then, voila, as they say in france. >> it takes longer in real life. we have 30 seconds to complete the recipe. >> so, the apple is put in here, as such. and then, we put the juice on there. and eventually, it will cook for about two hours. it will cook at 300 degrees and become like this. okay? >> put it on top of little puff pastry. how is it, guys? >> i don't have a big sweet tooth. this is delicious. it's not too sweet. >> you need an apple chip. >> okay. >> did you like it? >> i love it. >> we have goody bags for the entire audience. you can find this recipe and more at
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we got a little something right -- >> i've never seen you enjoy dessert here more. >> for three seconds. >> have a good day. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update.
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>> could thursday morning to you at 8:56. let's get a look at traffic and weather starting with lisa baden. what is the latest with vre? we have up to two hour delays from fredericksburg and marc rail is affected because of the heavy rain. the brunswick and camden line trains are averaging 15 minutes late. i will show you a couple of pictures live. this is across the 14th street bridge which is not quite as bad. steve rudin will tell us how the rain is moving through the area. before that, let me show you the maryland traffic which looks pretty saturated. rain and road spray has been the issue all morning. the rain will continue for
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the next several hours around the district which is moderate but heavier trains are moving through old town and heading to montgomery county and rockville. the heaviest rain is to the east in an apple is at the naval academy which is looking at 4.5 inches. we can expect 2-5 in just across the area and more rain to the west. we will have heavy rains today, a tornado watch until 1:00, a wind advisory for anne arundel, calvert, and sing mary's county unsolved -- until 6:00 and better move -- and better news ahead for the weekend. we needed rain and we got it. thank you for watching and we will be back at noon.
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